Every business owner knows that renovations are a necessity over time. Determining the optimum time to start and complete a project like that can be difficult, however. When is the right time for a business renovation?
Here are some things to think about that will help you to get ready for that big step.
THE NEXT LEVEL. Your business has been good, but you want to get to the next level. Good is good, but great is better, and you know you need to stand out in order to attract those new customers. You are well aware that renovations are costly, but you also know it’s an investment that will pay off over time. Renovations to increase the attractive factor of your operation can take many forms:
- Repainting rooms and walls (bright colors are desirable these days – get rid of that gray!)
- Remodeling floors (everyone loves hardwood floors)
- Replacing windows and doors to increase natural light (healthy and positive)
MORALE. If your workforce morale is low, or if there have been a lot of call-outs lately, it might be time to renovate your common areas. Creating a more cheery breakroom or adding communal areas to encourage communication and collaboration might be just the ticket, and you may want to get this completed sooner rather than later. Increased productivity is something you don’t want to wait to experience.
HIGH ENERGY BILLS. A smart business owner is always interested in lowering his or her energy bills, and a caring business owner is also concerned about the effect that their business has on the environment. Energy efficient appliances, machinery, and building materials will be a huge benefit to your operation on so many levels. If you are losing money here, don’t hesitate. There are many great products out there today that will save you a bundle and help to save our environment, too. Your customers will appreciate it.
DECREASED FOOT TRAFFIC. Curb appeal works for businesses just as it does for homes. If you have seen a decrease in walk-ins, it might mean that you are due for a refresh. Renovated spaces will pique the interest of customers as they walk or drive by. Don’t be surprised if your word-of-mouth advertising picks up, too. An inviting contemporary office is a place that people want to be.
SPACE. Perhaps you are growing. That’s great, but your workforce is feeling the pinch. This would be the right time for a renovation. You will be able to revamp storage with a refresh as well as redesigning your spaces so that they are more workable and flexible, enabling you to do away with any cramped quarters.
If you think it might be time for a business renovation, call Ascension General Contractors today!