You want your business to be profitable, and that’s going to involve protecting it from risks. Flooding, fire, vandalism-all these types of events can cost you time and money. Every business should have a plan to keep your premises and staff safe from dangerous situations.
Let’s start with fire.
There are actually quite a few things you can do to fireproof your place of business. Here are some to help get you started:
- Keep it clean. Keeping the premises of your business clean can go a long way to preventing fires. According to the US Fire Administration, one of the biggest causes of fires is the failure to clean up surrounding areas.
- Do electrical maintenance. Periodically check all electrical wiring and installation on your premises. If you are not sure how to do this properly, contact a professional electrician to do that job. If anything is found to be faulty or broken, have it replaced or repaired immediately. Make sure all cables leading to office and warehouse equipment are organized and use power strips when there are a lot of them.
- Check the heater. The risk of fire is greater during weather in the fall and winter when it comes to your heater. If it is not properly maintained, there will always be a risk that it will overheat, no matter how high quality it may be. Change the filter and clean away dust and grime.
- Keep the kitchen neat. If you have a kitchen on your premises, it needs to be organized. Delegate this to a person or team of people who will commit to keeping it clean and tidy. Microwaves that are not maintained can explode, and leaks that are left untended can attract mold, or case slips, trips, and falls when producing standing water.
- Maintain smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. Every business must have smoke detectors and fire extinguishers onsite. These items must be cared for by keeping them clean, replacing the batteries, and checking them periodically to make sure they are working.
- Use fire-resistant materials. In renovation or repair projects, consider using products that are flame retardant or fire resistant. These types of materials are readily available and can go a long way to keeping your business and workforce safe from fires.
Here at Ascension General Contractors, we have the knowledge and experience to help you keep your business premises safe and fireproof. Visit our website, or call us today at (615) 750 2345.