Storms can be devastating to a commercial building, causing damage that can take a significant amount of time and expense to repair. There are several steps you can take to prepare your business building for the wet and rainy season and possible flooding; preventive measures will reduce the amount of flood damage your business sustains and the time it can take to bring your operations back to normal.
- GUTTERS: Well-maintained gutter systems will be effective when it comes to diverting water to proper drainage areas. If your gutters are clogged with dead leaves and debris, rainwater can overflow and saturate the ground around the foundations causing damage there, while backed-up water can spill into wall structures. Mold damage only takes 24-48 hours to begin growing a colony inside walls and unused spaces and corners, so a regular cleaning schedule for your gutters is a good idea in helping to avoid this situation.
- STORM DRAINS: Storm drains on your business property will need to be maintained properly, as well. These are in place to move excess water away from buildings and parking areas. Your local government is usually responsible for these, but keeping an eye on them around your property will allow you to be able to report a problem to the proper authorities right away in anticipation of any possible flooding.
- RESPONSE PLAN: Have an emergency response plan ready for your employees. In the event of flooding, make sure you have a plan in place to communicate with everyone so that they know whether to come into work or not. No one should brave driving through flood waters! Listening to weather updates will be helpful here, and you’ll want to make sure you keep an emergency preparedness kit on site.
- INSURANCE. Make sure your insurance plan is up to date and know your coverages. With every storm comes the chance that your business will suffer damages, and you won’t want to be left without proper coverage after such an event. Video of your property before the storm is a great way to have proof of the condition of your business site and belongings should any questions arise after the fact. Â
- DOCUMENTS. Safeguard all your important documents by conducting computer backups and save hard copies for extra support in the case of critical financial documents and tax information.
Here at Ascension General Contractors, we care about you and your business. Visit our website or call us at (615) 750 2345 for all your building and renovation needs.